We celebrated his birthday this weekend. Simple, only his siblings, and he was very happy.
Aiden, my love, you are now 4 years old and the life of the family. Your independent streak has skyrocketed into something resembling the attitude of a 15 year old boy. Not fun...but then again, you are instantly forgiven with your sloppy kisses, hugs and I love you's. You love to say "Aaawwwkwarrrrd" which you say at just the right time every single time and that dissolves your siblings into fits of laughter. You are growing up though. I can see that you crave some alone time. I often find you in someone's room playing with Thomas the Train, or closing the door to you room. I know how that feels buddy. Isaiah follows your every move and repeats everything you say. He loves his "butter". He frustrates you because he wants everything you have...but just letting you know baby that that is just payback for Michael's frustration with you, and Manuel's frustration with Michael, and Alyssa's frustration with Manuel. You all did it to each other and it's funny to see the domino effect of sibling frustration. Seriously, honey you crack me up.
The water is your love. You love the hose and water bottles and water balloons and spray bottles and baths. You love picking up your brothers from school and are very excited about going to school in the fall with your brothers. I ask you who mommy's baby is and you answer without fail: I'm your big boy baby. You are. You are amazing and smart and handsome. You have a beautiful heart who loves his brothers and sister and is always willing to show it - whether they want you to or not. You are in that stage where you want to be my little boy and you want to follow your older brothers. This stage has brought you tears and bravado. A wonderful combination that shows your independence and the fact that you are still only 4 years old and a momma's boy. I can't tell you how much I love that.
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