Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I needed light. My mind craved light. So I painted. Light. Gray blue. Love it.

So with the light comes thought and peace. At least for me. Seriously. I want to cry. Happy tears. I am in a happy place. Content. For those of you who know me know that this is sometimes difficult to achieve. To think I've wasted years on negativity. To know that I've made a choice to think about today, now and in the light is a great thing.

Lyssy, Manuel, Michael, Aiden and Isaiah are healthy, smart, loving little people. I certainly did not envision my life today as it is, but the older I grow I know one thing for certain: God has a reason for every curve ball he throws my way. It may not seem so at the time, but in the end I hit that ball out of the field. Not all the time. I'm far from perfect. But I try. 

I am thankful this morning for little boys who smell like sweaty puppies when they wake up even after a bath last night, roly-poly bellies ready for raspberry kisses, straightening Lyssy's hair, taming Aiden's hair, and slicking back Michael's. I'm thankful that today I will have lunch with Manuel and Michael at school. Mickie D's. Yummy. The temperature is in the mid 80's. We're actually cold. The boys begged for sweatshirts this morning. I laughed but complied. For cheesy baby necks that can identify my baby out of millions with one sniff. And I keep sniffing because it causes deep baby belly screams of delight. For my family who allows me to make stupid mistakes and still loves me. Who help pick me up without the I told you so's. They are the greatest. My momma and stepdad, aunties, sisters, brothers, dad, uncles, in-laws...especiallly my 5! monkeys...they are why I get up every morning. To challenge the new day. To behold the wonders of God and all that He has given me. Me. I don't deserve these wonders but apparently God thinks I do. Who am I to prove Him wrong?

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