Conferences this week. Expected nothing less than their best efforts. And they surpassed all expectations. Again. These little people are simply successful and productive in everything they do, touch, think of, and imagine.
She was rockin' a new hairstyle. She owned it baby.
They all wanted to know who the powerhouse behind Alyssa was. I, of course, took all the credit. Mind you, my math skills are essentially non-existent, and my English ees not so gud. Isaiah and Manuel came with me to her conference and Manuel kept asking me, "What if she gets a B, mom?" "Are you gonna ground her?" To which her Geometry teacher responded, "You need to go sit down. These are confidential!" Manuel responded with his own snide remark, "She's so grounded!" She did get 1 B. In Geometry. She was not given points for class participation for about 2 weeks because she was nasty ill. Hospital nasty ill. She scored A's in everything else. Told ya. She is amazing. She is smart. She has a good heart. She's ballsy. She's gorgeous. She's mine. All mine.
Oh, and the real powerhouse behind Alyssa? Alyssa.
Michael. Oh my dear Michael. Kindergarten has nothing on you my love. His teacher was all like, "What can I say? You are doing a great job of making sure he does his homework. His test scores are wonderful. He plays well with others." And his dad was all like, "Cool." I think Michael summed it best when he told me the other morning as I was getting him ready for school, "Mom, you shouldn't send me to school because all the girls in my class just jaaaack me up." Imaging his head moving from shoulder to shoulder too. I just about died laughing. I might've peed too. Apparently, these little chicks like to touch his long hair and they corner him against the fence. Apparently, he loves it. A little too much. Whatever dude. As long as you want to go to school and do fantastic, the motivation is up to you. Kinder girls are pushy. Just sayin'.
Straight O's baby. O's for outstanding.
His teacher loves him. She wants a class full of Manuel's. My question: why can't he behave like that at home. Seriously. She was full of compliments and love and praise and more compliments. Again, I took full credit. Shamelessly. Even though he does all his work. Hardly asks for help. He is popular with the guys, starting basketball teams and soccer teams and football teams. All on his own. He's a leader. They follow him. And he get's straight A's. What more can I ask for? He is passive. Always wanting to please. Don't get me wrong. The boy can argue. For sure we will have a lawyer. A man of character and integrity and most of all, empathy. That is my son. Mine. And it doesn't hurt that he's good lookin'. Wow. A good looking lawyer. I can handle that.
Aiden. My Aiden had some issues with separation. Anxiety to be exact. So we made a mutual decision, the school and us, to part ways until the next school year. But while there, my Aiden rocked the hell out of pre-school. Knew all his colors (except tan - what 3 year old knows what tan is. Really. Does the state actually read their exams?) and his numbers 1 - 10, identified his letters and sounds, and wrote his name and owned it baby. Next year is going to be his year to shine even brighter. Just you wait and see.
I thought I was supposed to school you lady, not the other way around.
Now Isaiah is only 15 months old and does not attend school. However, this kid schools everyone else. Truly. He only has to gibber jabber and it's like the Pavlovian experiment is being conducted in this joint. Z, as he's affectionately referred to, is now starting to call his siblings with his own twist on their names and they all come running. Seriously. It's funny to watch my kids being bossed around by a 2 foot dictator. Not so funny to have him write on my freshly painted walls. With a red marker.
This is truly a blessed life I lead with these incredible little people.
Go. Go get costumed out. Rock your alter ego. Or your inner bad self. It's Halloween tomorrow. Own it.
Happy Halloween.