When the kids are not in school, I spend many happy, fulfilling hours with them. They are so funny sometimes it takes all I am not to pee. Between the minor arguments, jokes, stories, and conversations, it really is a phenomenal way to spend my day.
It's not often that I spend time with my family though. Mostly it's because I live in the middle of nowhere and it's a massive undertaking packing up 5 kids and all of their paraphernalia and to travel for several hours and I work 6 days a week too. However, when I get there it's all worth the time and effort. I feel at peace, loved, appreciated, and most of all I know that my children are in the presence of someone who loves them.
Now when I take pictures, it really makes me happy. I know absolutely nothing about taking pictures except to point and click. But when I take 100's of shots of my babies doing everyday things and I get that 1 picture that blows my mind away, captures everything about my child, and you know i'll want to be buried with it, it make me feel happy.
My mother-in-law once told me that we are all responsible for our own happiness. How right she is. These are the incredible passions of my life...and I will get it right. I will enjoy my children even more than ever, I will visit with my family more often, and I will continue to take pictures.
I will purchase a new camera. Soon. OK maybe next year. Or the year after that. But he will be mine. He will be a digital bad boy who will be subject to my every whim. Massimo will be his name and he will serve me well. He will take beautiful pictures of my offspring and capture them for posterity.
Now without further ado, may I present Massimo:
Otherwise known as Canon Digital Rebel XSi 12.2 MP Digital SLR Camera in his world.
He will be good for me. Promise.